~ | ~ |
Combined towers | |
~ | ~ |
Silver | B1 + Y1 + D1 |
Silver Knight | Silver + Q2 + R3 |
Pink Diamond | D5 + Y3 + D3 |
Huge Pink Diamond | Pink Diamond + Silver Knight + Silver |
Koh-i-noor Diamond | Huge Pink Diamond + P6 + D6 | P1 + P2 + P3 + P4 + P5 |
Malachite | E1 + Q1 + G1 |
Vivid Malachite | Malachite + D2 + Y3 |
Uranium-238 | Y5 + E2 + B3 |
Uranium-235 | Uranium-238 + Vivid Malachite + Malachite |
Depleted-Kyparium | Uranium-235 + Q6 + Y6 | Q1 + Q2 + Q3 + Q4 + Q5 |
Asteriated Ruby | R2 + R1 + P1 |
Volcano | Asteriated Ruby + R4 + P3 |
Bloodstone | R5 + Q4 + P3 |
Antique Bloodstone | Bloodstone + Volcano + R2 |
The Crown Prince | Antique Bloodstone + R6 + G6 | R1 + R2 + R3 + R4 + R5 |
Jade | G3 + E3 + B2 |
Quartz | G4 + R3 + P2 |
Grey Jade | Jade + B4 + Q3 |
Monkey King Jade | Grey Jade + G4 + P2 |
Diamond Cullinan | Monkey King Jade + D6 + B6 | D1 + D2 + D3 + D4 + D5 |
Lucky Chinese Jade | Jade + Quartz + G3 |
Charming Lazurite | Quartz + P4 + Y2 |
Golden Jubilee | Charming Lazurite + Y6 + R6 | Y1 + Y2 + Y3 + Y4 + Y5 |
Gold | P5 + P4 + D2 |
Egypt Gold | Gold + P5 + Q2 |
Dark Emerald | G5 + B4 + Y2 |
Emerald Golem | Gold + Dark Emerald + D3 |
Paraiba Tourmaline | Q5 + E4 + G2 |
Elaborately Carved Tourmaline | Paraiba Tourmaline + Dark Emerald + G2 |
Sapphire Star Of Adam | Elaborately Carved Tourmaline + G6 + P6 | G1 + G2 + G3 + G4 + G5 |
Deep Sea Pearl | Q4 + D4 + E2 |
Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye | E5 + D4 + Q3 |
Red Coral | Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye + Deep Sea Pearl + E4 |
Natural Zumurud | Deep Sea Pearl + G5 + D3 |
Carmen-Lucia | Red Coral + E6 + Q6 | E1 + E2 + E3 + E4 + E5 |
Yellow Sapphire | B5 + Y4 + R4 |
Northern Saber's Eye | Yellow Sapphire + Bloodstone + B5 |
Star Sapphire | Yellow Sapphire + B6 + E6 | B1 + B2 + B3 + B4 + B5 |
~ | ~ |
Secret towers | |
~ | ~ |
Obsidian | B5 + Y5 + D5 |
Agate | Q5 + E5 + G5 |
Fantastic Miss Shrimp | R5 + G5 + B5 |
Yaphets Stone | B5 + G5 + B4 + G4 |
Burning Stone | R5 + P5 + R4 + P4 |
Code | gemtd_baiyin |
English | Silver / S |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 30 |
Attack Rate | 1 |
Attack Range | 600 |
~ | ~ |
Combination | B1 + Y1 + D1 |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_slow2 |
Name | slow 2 |
Tooltip | Decrease enemy's movement speed by 90. |
Raw | [MOVESPEED: -90] |
Code | gemtd_baiyinqishi |
English | Silver Knight / SK |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 100 |
Attack Rate | 0.8 |
Attack Range | 700 |
~ | ~ |
Combination | Silver + Q2 + R3 |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_jianshe3 |
Name | cleave 3 |
Tooltip | Deals 50%% damage around 400 range of the target. |
Raw | On Attack Landed, run script jianshe3 (addon_game_mode.lua) with [Damage: %attack_damage] |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_slow3 |
Name | slow 3 |
Tooltip | Decrease enemy's movement speed by 120. |
Raw | [MOVESPEED: -120] |
Code | gemtd_fenhongzuanshi |
English | Pink Diamond / PD |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 30 [+80] |
Attack Rate | 1 |
Attack Range | 600 |
~ | ~ |
Combination | D5 + Y3 + D3 |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_baoji1 |
Name | crit 1 |
Tooltip | 10%% chance to deal 5x damage. |
Raw | On Attack Start, [10%][CRITICALSTRIKE: 500] |
Pierce Spell Immunity | true |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_attack3 |
Name | damage3 |
Tooltip | +80 attack damage. |
Code | gemtd_juxingfenhongzuanshi |
English | Huge Pink Diamond / HPD |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 150 [+160] |
Attack Rate | 0.8 |
Attack Range | 700 |
~ | ~ |
Combination | Pink Diamond + Silver Knight + Silver |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_jianshe3 |
Name | cleave 3 |
Tooltip | Deals 50%% damage around 400 range of the target. |
Raw | On Attack Landed, run script jianshe3 (addon_game_mode.lua) with [Damage: %attack_damage] |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_baoji1 |
Name | crit 1 |
Tooltip | 10%% chance to deal 5x damage. |
Raw | On Attack Start, [10%][CRITICALSTRIKE: 500] |
Pierce Spell Immunity | true |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_attack4 |
Name | damage4 |
Tooltip | +160 attack damage. |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_slow3 |
Name | slow 3 |
Tooltip | Decrease enemy's movement speed by 120. |
Raw | [MOVESPEED: -120] |
Code | gemtd_keyinuoerguangmingzhishan |
English | Koh-i-noor Diamond / KD |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 660 [+640] |
Attack Rate | 0.6 |
Attack Range | 700 |
~ | ~ |
Combination | Huge Pink Diamond + P6 + D6 | P1 + P2 + P3 + P4 + P5 |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_jianshe3 |
Name | cleave 3 |
Tooltip | Deals 50%% damage around 400 range of the target. |
Raw | On Attack Landed, run script jianshe3 (addon_game_mode.lua) with [Damage: %attack_damage] |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_baoji1 |
Name | crit 1 |
Tooltip | 10%% chance to deal 5x damage. |
Raw | On Attack Start, [10%][CRITICALSTRIKE: 500] |
Pierce Spell Immunity | true |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_attack6 |
Name | damage MAX |
Tooltip | +640 attack damage. |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_jianjia6 |
Name | pierce MAX |
Tooltip | Decrease enemy's armor by 64. |
Raw | On Attack Landed, [PHYSICAL ARMOR: -64] |
~ | ~ |
Ability | e301 |
Name | |
Tooltip |
Code | gemtd_kongqueshi |
English | Malachite / M |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 15 |
Attack Rate | 0.8 |
Attack Range | 600 |
~ | ~ |
Combination | E1 + Q1 + G1 |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_fenliejian |
Name | split 1 |
Tooltip | Attacks up to 3 enemies at the same time. |
Raw | On Attack, run script DuoChongGongJi (fenliejian.lua) with [Damage: %attack_damage, attack_count: 2] |
Code | gemtd_xianyandekongqueshi |
English | Vivid Malachite / VM |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 50 |
Attack Rate | 0.7 |
Attack Range | 700 |
~ | ~ |
Combination | Malachite + D2 + Y3 |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_fenliejian_xianyan |
Name | split 2 |
Tooltip | Attacks up to 5 enemies at the same time. |
Raw | On Attack, run script DuoChongGongJi (fenliejian.lua) with [attack_count: 4] |
Code | gemtd_you238 |
English | Uranium-238 / U |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 120 |
Attack Rate | 0.7 |
Attack Range | 700 |
~ | ~ |
Combination | Y5 + E2 + B3 |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_fenliejian_you |
Name | radiation |
Tooltip | Attacks up to 10 enemies at the same time. |
Raw | On Attack, run script DuoChongGongJi_you (fenliejian.lua) with [attack_count: 10] |
Code | gemtd_you235 |
English | Uranium-235 / U |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 60 [+160] |
Attack Rate | 0.7 |
Attack Range | 800 |
~ | ~ |
Combination | Uranium-238 + Vivid Malachite + Malachite |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_fenliejian_you |
Name | radiation |
Tooltip | Attacks up to 10 enemies at the same time. |
Raw | On Attack, run script DuoChongGongJi_you (fenliejian.lua) with [attack_count: 10] |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_attack4 |
Name | damage4 |
Tooltip | +160 attack damage. |
Code | gemtd_shuaibiankaipayou |
English | Depleted-Kyparium / D |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 90 [+320] |
Attack Rate | 0.4 |
Attack Range | 5000 |
~ | ~ |
Combination | Uranium-235 + Q6 + Y6 | Q1 + Q2 + Q3 + Q4 + Q5 |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_attack5 |
Name | damage5 |
Tooltip | +320 attack damage. |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_fenliejian_you |
Name | radiation |
Tooltip | Attacks up to 10 enemies at the same time. |
Raw | On Attack, run script DuoChongGongJi_you (fenliejian.lua) with [attack_count: 10] |
~ | ~ |
Ability | e10003 |
Name | |
Tooltip |
Code | gemtd_xingcaihongbaoshi |
English | Asteriated Ruby / AR |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 0 |
Attack Rate | 1 |
Attack Range | 600 |
~ | ~ |
Combination | R2 + R1 + P1 |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_huiyao |
Name | burn 1 |
Tooltip | Deals 60 magical damage every second to nearby enemies. |
Raw | Aura: Range 400 Effect: during 1 seconds, every 0.5 seconds, deals 30 magic damage. |
Code | gemtd_xuehonghuoshan |
English | Volcano / V |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 0 |
Attack Rate | 1 |
Attack Range | 600 |
~ | ~ |
Combination | Asteriated Ruby + R4 + P3 |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_huiyao2 |
Name | burn 2 |
Tooltip | Deals 320 magical damage every second to nearby enemies. |
Raw | Aura: Range 500 Effect: during 1 seconds, every 0.5 seconds, deals 160 magic damage. |
Code | gemtd_jixueshi |
English | Bloodstone / B |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 35 |
Attack Rate | 1 |
Attack Range | 700 |
~ | ~ |
Combination | R5 + Q4 + P3 |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_shandianlian |
Name | lightning chain |
Tooltip | Attacks have a 30%% chance to spark a damaging lightning that jumps accross enemies. |
Raw | On Attack Landed, [30%]run script jn_D3_00 (shandianlian.lua) with [Damage: 150, Radius: 1000, AttackCount: 1, Count: 5] |
Pierce Spell Immunity | false |
Code | gemtd_gudaidejixueshi |
English | Antique Bloodstone / AB |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 70 |
Attack Rate | 1 |
Attack Range | 800 |
~ | ~ |
Combination | Bloodstone + Volcano + R2 |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_chazhuangshandian |
Name | forked Lightning |
Tooltip | Attacks have a 25%% chance to spark a forked lightning. |
Raw | On Attack Landed, [25%]run script Shock (shock.lua) with [] |
Raw: Special | [damage: 2500][targets: 5][start_radius: 100][chance: 25][end_distance: 5000][end_radius: 3000] |
Pierce Spell Immunity | false |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_huiyao2 |
Name | burn 2 |
Tooltip | Deals 320 magical damage every second to nearby enemies. |
Raw | Aura: Range 500 Effect: during 1 seconds, every 0.5 seconds, deals 160 magic damage. |
Code | gemtd_heiwangzihuangguanhongbaoshi |
English | The Crown Prince / TCP |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 70 |
Attack Rate | 1 |
Attack Range | 800 |
~ | ~ |
Combination | Antique Bloodstone + R6 + G6 | R1 + R2 + R3 + R4 + R5 |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_chazhuangshandian |
Name | forked Lightning |
Tooltip | Attacks have a 25%% chance to spark a forked lightning. |
Raw | On Attack Landed, [25%]run script Shock (shock.lua) with [] |
Raw: Special | [damage: 2500][targets: 5][start_radius: 100][chance: 25][end_distance: 5000][end_radius: 3000] |
Pierce Spell Immunity | false |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_huiyao3 |
Name | burn 3 |
Tooltip | Deals 2500 magical damage every second to nearby enemies. |
Raw | Aura: Range 800 Effect: during 1 seconds, every 2 seconds, deals 5000 magic damage. |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_du6 |
Name | poison MAX |
Tooltip | Enemies take 128 damage every second. Lasts 5 seconds. |
Raw | On Attack Landed, during 5 seconds, every 1 seconds, deals 128 magic damage. |
~ | ~ |
Ability | e10002 |
Code | gemtd_yu |
English | Jade / J |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 10 |
Attack Rate | 0.5 |
Attack Range | 800 |
~ | ~ |
Combination | G3 + E3 + B2 |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_du4 |
Name | poison 4 |
Tooltip | Enemies take 16 damage every second. Lasts 5 seconds. |
Raw | On Attack Landed, during 5 seconds, every 1 seconds, deals 16 magic damage. |
Code | gemtd_furongshi |
English | Quartz / Q |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 15 |
Attack Rate | 0.6 |
Attack Range | 500 |
~ | ~ |
Combination | G4 + R3 + P2 |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_zheyi |
Name | anti-fly 1 |
Tooltip | Flying enemies' armor decreased by 10 and movement speed decreased by 150. |
Raw | Aura: Range 600 Effect: [PHYSICAL ARMOR: -10][MOVESPEED: -250] |
Code | gemtd_haiyangqingyu |
English | Grey Jade / GJ |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 30 |
Attack Rate | 0.5 |
Attack Range | 800 |
~ | ~ |
Combination | Jade + B4 + Q3 |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_shechengguanghuan |
Name | Overlook |
Tooltip | Increase attack range of allies |
Raw | Aura: Range 290 Effect: [ATTACK RANGE: 300] |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_du5 |
Name | poison 5 |
Tooltip | Enemies take 32 damage every second. Lasts 5 seconds. |
Raw | On Attack Landed, during 5 seconds, every 1 seconds, deals 32 magic damage. |
Code | gemtd_huaguoshanxiandan |
English | Monkey King Jade / MKJ |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 80 |
Attack Rate | 0.5 |
Attack Range | 1000 |
~ | ~ |
Combination | Grey Jade + G4 + P2 |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_du5 |
Name | poison 5 |
Tooltip | Enemies take 32 damage every second. Lasts 5 seconds. |
Raw | On Attack Landed, during 5 seconds, every 1 seconds, deals 32 magic damage. |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_shechengguanghuan |
Name | Overlook |
Tooltip | Increase attack range of allies |
Raw | Aura: Range 290 Effect: [ATTACK RANGE: 300] |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_jingzhun |
Name | Monkey King Bar |
Tooltip | Grant towers around with attacks regardless of evasion. |
Raw | Aura: Range 300 Effect: [CANNOT MISS: true] |
Code | gemtd_jingangshikulinan |
English | Diamond Cullinan / DC |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 2514 [+640] |
Attack Rate | 0.8 |
Attack Range | 1200 |
~ | ~ |
Combination | Monkey King Jade + D6 + B6 | D1 + D2 + D3 + D4 + D5 |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_jingzhun |
Name | Monkey King Bar |
Tooltip | Grant towers around with attacks regardless of evasion. |
Raw | Aura: Range 300 Effect: [CANNOT MISS: true] |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_shechengguanghuan |
Name | Overlook |
Tooltip | Increase attack range of allies |
Raw | Aura: Range 290 Effect: [ATTACK RANGE: 300] |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_attack6 |
Name | damage MAX |
Tooltip | +640 attack damage. |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_baoji1 |
Name | crit 1 |
Tooltip | 10%% chance to deal 5x damage. |
Raw | On Attack Start, [10%][CRITICALSTRIKE: 500] |
Pierce Spell Immunity | true |
~ | ~ |
Ability | e10005 |
Code | gemtd_jixiangdezhongguoyu |
English | Lucky Chinese Jade / LCJ |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 30 |
Attack Rate | 0.5 |
Attack Range | 900 |
~ | ~ |
Combination | Jade + Quartz + G3 |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_du5 |
Name | poison 5 |
Tooltip | Enemies take 32 damage every second. Lasts 5 seconds. |
Raw | On Attack Landed, during 5 seconds, every 1 seconds, deals 32 magic damage. |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_zhongguoyu |
Name | recover |
Tooltip | Attacks have a 1%% chance to heal Gem Castle by 1. |
Raw | On Attack Landed, [1%]run script huichun (huichun.lua) with [] |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_zheyi |
Name | anti-fly 1 |
Tooltip | Flying enemies' armor decreased by 10 and movement speed decreased by 150. |
Raw | Aura: Range 600 Effect: [PHYSICAL ARMOR: -10][MOVESPEED: -250] |
Code | gemtd_mirendeqingjinshi |
English | Charming Lazurite / CL |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 30 |
Attack Rate | 0.6 |
Attack Range | 800 |
~ | ~ |
Combination | Quartz + P4 + Y2 |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_zheyi2 |
Name | anti-fly 2 |
Tooltip | Flying enemies' armor decreased by 10 and movement speed decreased by 250 and magic resistance decreased by 50. |
Raw | Aura: Range 600 Effect: [PHYSICAL ARMOR: -10][MOVESPEED: -250][MAGICAL RESISTANCE: -50] |
Pierce Spell Immunity | true |
Code | gemtd_huguoshenyishi |
English | Golden Jubilee / GJ |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 1 |
Attack Rate | 0.7 |
Attack Range | 800 |
~ | ~ |
Combination | Charming Lazurite + Y6 + R6 | Y1 + Y2 + Y3 + Y4 + Y5 |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_zheyi2 |
Name | anti-fly 2 |
Tooltip | Flying enemies' armor decreased by 10 and movement speed decreased by 250 and magic resistance decreased by 50. |
Raw | Aura: Range 600 Effect: [PHYSICAL ARMOR: -10][MOVESPEED: -250][MAGICAL RESISTANCE: -50] |
Pierce Spell Immunity | true |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_ranjin |
Name | Burned |
Tooltip | Deal 100% magic damage to target enemy per attack. |
Raw | On Attack Landed, run script ranjin (addon_game_mode.lua) with [Damage: %attack_damage] |
~ | ~ |
Ability | e10006 |
Code | gemtd_jin |
English | Gold / G |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 60 |
Attack Rate | 0.8 |
Attack Range | 600 |
~ | ~ |
Combination | P5 + P4 + D2 |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_jin |
Name | corrupt 1 |
Tooltip | Decrease target enemy's armor by 32. |
Raw | On Attack Landed, [PHYSICAL ARMOR: -32] |
Pierce Spell Immunity | true |
Code | gemtd_aijijin |
English | Egypt Gold / EG |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 100 |
Attack Rate | 0.8 |
Attack Range | 700 |
~ | ~ |
Combination | Gold + P5 + Q2 |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_jin2 |
Name | corrupt 2 |
Tooltip | Decrease target enemy's armor by 48. |
Raw | On Attack Landed, [PHYSICAL ARMOR: -48] |
Pierce Spell Immunity | true |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_tanlan |
Name | greedy |
Tooltip | Grant towers around: 5%% chance to get 10x gold in a kill. |
Raw | Aura: Range 800 Effect: |
Code | gemtd_heianfeicui |
English | Dark Emerald / DE |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 80 |
Attack Rate | 0.5 |
Attack Range | 700 |
~ | ~ |
Combination | G5 + B4 + Y2 |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_10jiyun |
Name | stun |
Tooltip | Attacks have a 10%% chance to stun the enemy. |
Raw | On Attack Landed, [10%][Stun 2 seconds] |
Code | gemtd_feicuimoxiang |
English | Emerald Golem / EG |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 170 |
Attack Rate | 0.5 |
Attack Range | 700 |
~ | ~ |
Combination | Gold + Dark Emerald + D3 |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_10jiyun |
Name | stun |
Tooltip | Attacks have a 10%% chance to stun the enemy. |
Raw | On Attack Landed, [10%][Stun 2 seconds] |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_jin |
Name | corrupt 1 |
Tooltip | Decrease target enemy's armor by 32. |
Raw | On Attack Landed, [PHYSICAL ARMOR: -32] |
Pierce Spell Immunity | true |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_5shihua |
Name | Stone Gaze |
Tooltip | 1%% probability in attack to trigger Gaze: Enemies' movement speed in 1000 range will be sharply decreased, even those faced to the Golem over 2s will be transformed into stone, rooted for 3s with 100%% extra physical damage. |
Raw | On Attack Landed, [1%]run script shihua (addon_game_mode.lua) with [] |
Raw: Special | [bonus_magic_resist: 0][bonus_physical_damage: 100] |
Code | gemtd_palayibabixi |
English | Paraiba Tourmaline / PT |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 30 |
Attack Rate | 0.6 |
Attack Range | 600 |
~ | ~ |
Combination | Q5 + E4 + G2 |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_bixi |
Name | decadent |
Tooltip | Decrease nearby enemies' armor by 15. |
Raw | Aura: Range 800 Effect: [PHYSICAL ARMOR: -15] |
Pierce Spell Immunity | false |
Code | gemtd_jingxindiaozhuodepalayibabixi |
English | Elaborately Carved Tourmaline / ECT |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 130 |
Attack Rate | 0.6 |
Attack Range | 700 |
~ | ~ |
Combination | Paraiba Tourmaline + Dark Emerald + G2 |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_10jiyun |
Name | stun |
Tooltip | Attacks have a 10%% chance to stun the enemy. |
Raw | On Attack Landed, [10%][Stun 2 seconds] |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_bixi2 |
Name | decadent2 |
Tooltip | Decrease enemy's armor by 30 nearby, ignore magic immune. |
Raw | Aura: Range 1200 Effect: [PHYSICAL ARMOR: -30] |
Pierce Spell Immunity | true |
Code | gemtd_sililankazhixing |
English | Sapphire Star Of Adam / SSOA |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 42 |
Attack Rate | 1 |
Attack Range | 800 |
~ | ~ |
Combination | Elaborately Carved Tourmaline + G6 + P6 | G1 + G2 + G3 + G4 + G5 |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_du6 |
Name | poison MAX |
Tooltip | Enemies take 128 damage every second. Lasts 5 seconds. |
Raw | On Attack Landed, during 5 seconds, every 1 seconds, deals 128 magic damage. |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_jianjia6 |
Name | pierce MAX |
Tooltip | Decrease enemy's armor by 64. |
Raw | On Attack Landed, [PHYSICAL ARMOR: -64] |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_bixi2 |
Name | decadent2 |
Tooltip | Decrease enemy's armor by 30 nearby, ignore magic immune. |
Raw | Aura: Range 1200 Effect: [PHYSICAL ARMOR: -30] |
Pierce Spell Immunity | true |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_jihan |
Name | Freezing cold |
Tooltip | Decrease the speed of enemies around by 50% |
Raw | On Attack Landed, [Duration: 3] [Splash: 300][MOVESPEED: -50%][DISABLE HEALING: 1] |
~ | ~ |
Ability | e10004 |
Code | gemtd_shenhaizhenzhu |
English | Deep Sea Pearl / DSP |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 80 |
Attack Rate | 0.6 |
Attack Range | 500 |
~ | ~ |
Combination | Q4 + D4 + E2 |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_chenmoguanghuan |
Name | Resist |
Tooltip | Towers nearby resist magic influence. |
Raw | Aura: Range 600 Effect: [MAGIC IMMUNE: true] |
Code | gemtd_heisemaoyanshi |
English | Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye / CCE |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 6 |
Attack Rate | 1 |
Attack Range | 500 |
~ | ~ |
Combination | E5 + D4 + Q3 |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_speed_aura5 |
Name | aura 5 |
Tooltip | Allies's attack speed+60 nearby. |
Raw | Aura: Range 664 Effect: [ATTACKSPEED: 60] |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_true_sight |
Name | true sight |
Tooltip | Grants true sight around the gem. |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_maoyan |
Name | inspire |
Tooltip | Increase nearby gems' attack damage by 50%%. |
Raw | Aura: Range 500 Effect: [DAMAGEOUTGOING: 50%] |
Code | gemtd_hongshanhu |
English | Red Coral / RC |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 120 |
Attack Rate | 0.6 |
Attack Range | 500 |
~ | ~ |
Combination | Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye + Deep Sea Pearl + E4 |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_speed_aura5 |
Name | aura 5 |
Tooltip | Allies's attack speed+60 nearby. |
Raw | Aura: Range 664 Effect: [ATTACKSPEED: 60] |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_speed_aura4 |
Name | aura 4 |
Tooltip | Allies's attack speed+50 nearby. |
Raw | Aura: Range 664 Effect: [ATTACKSPEED: 50] |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_true_sight |
Name | true sight |
Tooltip | Grants true sight around the gem. |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_maoyan |
Name | inspire |
Tooltip | Increase nearby gems' attack damage by 50%%. |
Raw | Aura: Range 500 Effect: [DAMAGEOUTGOING: 50%] |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_chenmoguanghuan |
Name | Resist |
Tooltip | Towers nearby resist magic influence. |
Raw | Aura: Range 600 Effect: [MAGIC IMMUNE: true] |
Code | gemtd_tianranzumulv |
English | Natural Zumurud / NZ |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 80 |
Attack Rate | 1 |
Attack Range | 500 |
~ | ~ |
Combination | Deep Sea Pearl + G5 + D3 |
Code | gemtd_yijiazhishi |
English | Carmen-Lucia / C |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 6 |
Attack Rate | 1 |
Attack Range | 500 |
~ | ~ |
Combination | Red Coral + E6 + Q6 | E1 + E2 + E3 + E4 + E5 |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_chenmoguanghuan |
Name | Resist |
Tooltip | Towers nearby resist magic influence. |
Raw | Aura: Range 600 Effect: [MAGIC IMMUNE: true] |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_maoyan |
Name | inspire |
Tooltip | Increase nearby gems' attack damage by 50%%. |
Raw | Aura: Range 500 Effect: [DAMAGEOUTGOING: 50%] |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_speed_aura_guichu |
Name | otomad |
Tooltip | Allies's attack speed+200 nearby. |
Raw | Aura: Range 200 Effect: [ATTACKSPEED: 200] |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_speed_aura6 |
Name | aura MAX |
Tooltip | Allies's attack speed+70 nearby. |
Raw | Aura: Range 664 Effect: [ATTACKSPEED: 70] |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_true_sight |
Name | true sight |
Tooltip | Grants true sight around the gem. |
~ | ~ |
Ability | e10009 |
Code | gemtd_huangcailanbaoshi |
English | Yellow Sapphire / YS |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 20 |
Attack Rate | 1 |
Attack Range | 600 |
~ | ~ |
Combination | B5 + Y4 + R4 |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_lanbaoshi |
Name | ice |
Tooltip | Decrease nearby enemies' movement by 70%%. |
Raw | Aura: Range 300 Effect: [MOVESPEED: -70%] |
Code | gemtd_haibao |
English | Northern Saber's Eye / NSE |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 60 |
Attack Rate | 1 |
Attack Range | 500 |
~ | ~ |
Combination | Yellow Sapphire + Bloodstone + B5 |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_lanbaoshi |
Name | ice |
Tooltip | Decrease nearby enemies' movement by 70%%. |
Raw | Aura: Range 300 Effect: [MOVESPEED: -70%] |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_chain_frost |
Name | Chain Frost |
Tooltip | When a nearby pedal triggered, 25% chance to throw out a frost ball which bounces among enemies for 10 times and each bounce deal magical damage and speed decrement. |
Pierce Spell Immunity | false |
Code | gemtd_xingguanglanbaoshi |
English | Star Sapphire / SS |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 20 |
Attack Rate | 1 |
Attack Range | 600 |
~ | ~ |
Combination | Yellow Sapphire + B6 + E6 | B1 + B2 + B3 + B4 + B5 |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_true_sight |
Name | true sight |
Tooltip | Grants true sight around the gem. |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_speed_aura6 |
Name | aura MAX |
Tooltip | Allies's attack speed+70 nearby. |
Raw | Aura: Range 664 Effect: [ATTACKSPEED: 70] |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_slow6 |
Name | slow MAX |
Tooltip | Decrease enemy's movement speed by 480. |
Raw | [MOVESPEED: -480] |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_lanbaoshi2 |
Name | ice2 |
Tooltip | Decrease nearby enemies' movement by 75%%. |
Raw | Aura: Range 556 Effect: [MOVESPEED: -75%] |
~ | ~ |
Ability | e10001 |
Name | |
Tooltip |
Code | gemtd_heiyaoshi |
English | Obsidian / O |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 180 [+640] |
Attack Rate | 0.8 |
Attack Range | 800 |
~ | ~ |
Combination | B5 + Y5 + D5 |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_jianshe5 |
Name | cleave 5 |
Tooltip | Deals 70%% damage around 500 range of the target. |
Raw | On Attack Landed, run script jianshe5 (addon_game_mode.lua) with [Damage: %attack_damage] |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_slow5 |
Name | slow 5 |
Tooltip | Decrease enemy's movement speed by 180. |
Raw | [MOVESPEED: -180] |
~ | ~ |
Ability | e10011 |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_attack6 |
Name | damage MAX |
Tooltip | +640 attack damage. |
Code | gemtd_manao |
English | Agate / A |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 110 [+320] |
Attack Rate | 0.3 |
Attack Range | 5000 |
~ | ~ |
Combination | Q5 + E5 + G5 |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_fenliejian_xianyan |
Name | split 2 |
Tooltip | Attacks up to 5 enemies at the same time. |
Raw | On Attack, run script DuoChongGongJi (fenliejian.lua) with [attack_count: 4] |
~ | ~ |
Ability | e10012 |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_attack5 |
Name | damage5 |
Tooltip | +320 attack damage. |
Code | gemtd_xiameishi |
English | Fantastic Miss Shrimp / FMS |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 585 [+640] |
Attack Rate | 0.5 |
Attack Range | 1000 |
~ | ~ |
Combination | R5 + G5 + B5 |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_aojiao |
Name | Melancholy |
Tooltip | Stop attacking when melancholic |
Raw | On Attack Start, [3%] [Duration: 5][DISARMED: true] |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_shandianlian |
Name | lightning chain |
Tooltip | Attacks have a 30%% chance to spark a damaging lightning that jumps accross enemies. |
Raw | On Attack Landed, [30%]run script jn_D3_00 (shandianlian.lua) with [Damage: 150, Radius: 1000, AttackCount: 1, Count: 5] |
Pierce Spell Immunity | false |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_chazhuangshandian |
Name | forked Lightning |
Tooltip | Attacks have a 25%% chance to spark a forked lightning. |
Raw | On Attack Landed, [25%]run script Shock (shock.lua) with [] |
Raw: Special | [damage: 2500][targets: 5][start_radius: 100][chance: 25][end_distance: 5000][end_radius: 3000] |
Pierce Spell Immunity | false |
~ | ~ |
Ability | e10008 |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_attack6 |
Name | damage MAX |
Tooltip | +640 attack damage. |
Code | gemtd_geluanshi |
English | Yaphets Stone / YS |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 140 |
Attack Rate | 1 |
Attack Range | 800 |
~ | ~ |
Combination | B5 + G5 + B4 + G4 |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_bixi2 |
Name | decadent2 |
Tooltip | Decrease enemy's armor by 30 nearby, ignore magic immune. |
Raw | Aura: Range 1200 Effect: [PHYSICAL ARMOR: -30] |
Pierce Spell Immunity | true |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_jianjia6 |
Name | pierce MAX |
Tooltip | Decrease enemy's armor by 64. |
Raw | On Attack Landed, [PHYSICAL ARMOR: -64] |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_zheyi3 |
Name | anti-fly3 |
Tooltip | Flying enemies' armor decreased by 64 and movement speed decreased by 480 and magic resistance decreased by 100. |
Raw | Aura: Range 600 Effect: [PHYSICAL ARMOR: -64][MOVESPEED: -480][MAGICAL RESISTANCE: -100] |
Pierce Spell Immunity | true |
~ | ~ |
Ability | e10013 |
Code | gemtd_ranshaozhishi |
English | Burning Stone / BS |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 0 |
Attack Rate | 0.5 |
Attack Range | 600 |
~ | ~ |
Combination | R5 + P5 + R4 + P4 |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_huiyao3 |
Name | burn 3 |
Tooltip | Deals 2500 magical damage every second to nearby enemies. |
Raw | Aura: Range 800 Effect: during 1 seconds, every 2 seconds, deals 5000 magic damage. |
~ | ~ |
Ability | e10010 |
Code | gemtd_zhenjiazhishi |
English | The Great Stone / TGS |
~ | ~ |
Attack Damage | 1369 [+640] |
Attack Rate | 1 |
Attack Range | 800 |
~ | ~ |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_baoji1 |
Name | crit 1 |
Tooltip | 10%% chance to deal 5x damage. |
Raw | On Attack Start, [10%][CRITICALSTRIKE: 500] |
Pierce Spell Immunity | true |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_attack6 |
Name | damage MAX |
Tooltip | +640 attack damage. |
~ | ~ |
Ability | tower_jianshe6 |
Name | cleave MAX |
Tooltip | Deals full damage around 700 range of the target. |
Raw | On Attack Landed, run script jianshe6 (addon_game_mode.lua) with [Damage: %attack_damage] |
~ | ~ |
Ability | e10007 |